The most vulnerable members of the Jewish community are struggling. The lack of affordable housing and a persistent high inflation rate are causing individuals and families to exhaust their income, which can lead to homelessness. The reality poses a major crisis that affects more than 350 people in the Jewish community who need a safe, secure and affordable home.

The Jewish community witnessed Tikva Housing’s significant growth in 2023, as the organization’s portfolio grew from 98 to 168 units. Also, in keeping with its mission, it increased the monthly maximum rent subsidies available for families, couples and individuals in an effort to reduce the effects of market rental increases. But such hopeful news is overshadowed by growing demand. Vancouver’s vacancy rate is below 0.9%, and, as an example, two-bedroom rents grew by 8.6% on average. Substantial increases in rents of units at turnover drove this growth, and the outlook is not encouraging. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation reported: “Affordability worsened for low-income households: vacancy rates for the most affordable units were lower than average, and these households already spend a greater share of their income on rent.”
“In the last three years, we saw an increase of 458% in people registered with the Jewish Housing Registry,” said Anat Gogo, executive director at Tikva Housing.
The Jewish Housing Registry (JHR) was launched in 2020 to provide affordable-housing seekers with a convenient point of application. It also serves housing providers with demographic information, therefore, a studied approach to future housing developments and partnerships.
“Today, we know that, among those over 350 individuals and families waitlisted, 84 are families with children, 72 are applicants with disabilities, and 129 are seniors over 65 years old,” said Gogo.
Housing is a human right, and we all have a role in ensuring that more people have the dignity and safety of an affordable home. From Feb. 26 to March 11, support Tikva Housing’s annual fundraising campaign. Visit
– Courtesy Tikva Housing