The 2022 Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver annual campaign raised $13.17 million: $10.24 million through the campaign and $2.91 million in additional support (this includes additional special project funding, community relief and emergency relief). Federation chief executive officer Ezra Shanken noted in one of his weekly emails last month that 2,500-plus donors made “Amazing Happen,” the campaign’s theme. There were more than 900 donors “who gave for the first time or increased their gifts, 21 partner agency boards achieved 100% campaign participation, meaning that every one of their directors supported the annual campaign,” and there were more than 200 volunteer canvassers.
“The campaign is led by volunteer leaders from across our community,” wrote Shanken, “and I want to thank the entire annual campaign cabinet who did a remarkable job guided by the leadership of Lana Marks Pulver in her second year as chair: Shay Keil, Megan Laskin, Alvin Wasserman, Al Szajman, Chana Charach, Lindsay Isserow, David Linde, Catherine Epstein, Andrew Altow, David Porte, Michael Nemirow, Todd Thal, Sue Hector, Lucy Adirim and Justin Ergas.
“On behalf of the thousands of people, here and around the world, whose lives are made better by collective giving,” he continued, “I want to thank everyone who participated in the annual campaign and took our results to new heights for our community.”
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Last month, Jerry Nussbaum and Lillian Boraks-Nemetz of the Janusz Korczak Association of Canada awarded the 2023 Janusz Korczak Statuette to David Morley, who has supported and advanced children’s rights and well-being in Canada and around the world in his 30-plus year career. He only recently retired from his position as president and chief executive officer of UNICEF Canada.
Prior to joining UNICEF Canada, Morley served as executive director of Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors without Borders Canada (during his tenure, Médecins Sans Frontières was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize); as president and CEO of Save the Children Canada; and was the founding executive director of the Institute for Canadian Citizenship. Morley was invested into the Order of Canada “for his leadership in international development and for his humanitarian commitment to improving the lives of children and families around the world.”
The 2023 Janusz Korczak Statuette recognizes lifetime achievement in child advocacy, and vision and leadership in promoting a holistic approach to the well-being of children in the spirit of Korczak. It is awarded under the auspices of B.C. Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin (honorary patron of the association), who participates in the annual event. The ceremony this year took place at Government House in Victoria on May 3.